An article posted on by Justin Berton, Chronicle Staff Writer, on New Year's Day proclaims, "Biblical Scholar's date for rapture: May 21, 2011."
The article tells how Harold Camping, who runs Family Radio, an evangelical station with a global following, has a laugh over the "fairy tale" Mayan prediction for the world's end in 2012 (as portrayed in the new movie).
As an 88-year-old alleged biblical scholar who claims to have studied the Bible for nearly 70 years, and states "he has developed a mathematical system to interpret prophesies hidden within the Good Book," he then makes his own prediction, claiming May 21, 2011 will be the "end of times."
Camping is the same so-called biblical scholar who prophesied for two years that September 6, 1994 would be Judgment Day. A day when dozens of his gullible flock gathered within Alameda's Veterans Memorial Building to "await the coming of Christ."
Unsurprisingly, a day that came and went without the heavenly trumpet blast, and Camping reaching for any excuse to cover up his faux pas. He settled on the possibility that he might have made a mistake on his calculations.
He made a mistake all right, but it has nothing to do with his mathematical calculations.
However, it obviously did not deter him from giving the old cosmic roulette wheel another spin, and coming up with his present prediction. Nor did his egg-faced followers forego their loyalty and, in fact, have helped sponsor and spread his present message around the world.
Answer me this: how does a self-proclaimed biblical scholar, with 70 years of studying the Bible, never come across the words of Jesus claiming that "no man" will know the time of his return, only God?
But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels, but my Father only. --- Matthew 24: 36
A fact which is stressed various times in God's word: for instance, Matthew 24: 35-51, Mark 13: 32-37, and Luke 12: 35-48.
Then why does a so-called scholar continue to engage in the same foolish action that brought such laughable disgrace to himself, his followers, and his alleged faith?
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful: but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves wise, they became fools. -- Romans 1: 21-22
As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool returns to his folly. --- Proverbs 26: 11
Needless to say, I would urge you not to be as this man and his followers. Do not be overly concerned about the day or hour, it is not for us to know. Likewise, do not allow the foolish interpretations of those who take the Bible out of context to destroy your faith. Just continue to do your best, and be as Christ-like as possible. Let God handle the rest.
[Quotes and facts about Camping taken from Justin Berton article in]
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