Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Obama art: The liberal "truth" in all its unholy glory

If you are one of the few Christians who have not heard or seen the artistic rendition of Barack Obama as the liberals pretend crucified savior, be thankful. It is not worth your time. As a Christian I find it absurd and humorous, though obviously not in the way the artist, Michael D'Antuono, intended. It is only humorous in the audacity and foolishness of such a ludicrous comparison; especially given the knowledge that this president is probably the most anti-Christian president of all time (which his record confirms).

The artist claims that the crucifixion of the president was intended metaphorically, and no comparison to Jesus was meant. And yet, isn't it odd that he chose to depict Obama in the same style and posture of crucifixion, crown of thorns and all, that is specifically linked with Jesus? History has many other methods of crucifixion that the artist could have chosen if he truly did not want his artwork to be contrary to Christ and Christians. The crown of thorns is a major identifier with the crucifixion of Jesus because it was done as a mocking action by the Roman soldiers in response to the people calling Jesus the King of the Jews. Therefore, you do not see it at crucifixions prior to Christ. And, as an artist, who naturally would research his piece, D'Antuono most likely knew this.

Isn't it funny that all the blasphemous artwork against Jesus is done by liberal artists that claim to be a part of a political view that wants tolerance for all? And yet, the artist claims that his First Amendment rights should override someone else's feelings. That's tolerance for you, a real fine upstanding example of caring about others. And isn't it equally funny that the same artists that have the so-called "guts" to make light of Christ's crucifixion with a pretend savior like Obama, or by utilizing a vat of urine as we saw earlier, never have the guts to mock Allah or Mohamed in the same fashion and put it in a public event in a Muslim country? I suppose some artists will always have to resort to the artistic version of the "shock jock" when their talent is mediocre. It's the only way they can get recognized and keep their career going.

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