Monday, September 16, 2013

A Church Invite

Many people feel awkward about inviting others to their church. And a lot of times when they get the nerve, they fail to make the invitation mean anything: as if their church is no better or worse than any other. We should all remember that the church is not the building.

My Church
by Jerry Thomas
I met a friend the other day
          and he posed a simple question.
"Have you ever been to my church,
          the one up on the hill?"
I cannot say I have,
          would it be your suggestion?
But before I make the choice,
          what about it can you tell?
"What's to tell?" said my friend.
          "It's a church like any other.
No better or no worse,
          just a new place to try."
If there isn't something special,
          why should I even bother?
Why should I cross the threshold
          just to turn and say, "Good-bye?"
"Well," said he. "What would you say
          about the church you now attend?"
And his frown became a smirk,
          not like Scrooge, more like the Grinch.
I found his actions awkward,
          since friends should not contend.
But my church is also family,
          so I answered in a pinch.
There is Herman and Paul,
     Deacons on the ball,
          and they each perform their task like godly men.
And we have greeters like Brother Bob,
     who jokes about his sit-down job,
          while he welcomes each arrival like a friend.
And there is Judy and Deloris,
     with a long history here before us,
          so they will always be a treasured pair.
We have Glenn, Veldora, and Robbie,
     and Doris with her hobby:
          she has hugs enough for all and some to spare.
And there is Margaret and Regina, her daughter,
     who crave the Living Water:
          the Word of God that makes our life complete.
Margaret use to play for worship,
     now Nancy makes the piano her ship,
          and sails each joyful note into a treat.
We have the Coach and Julie,
     with her greeting card ministry:
          she reminds absent members that we care.
And there's Mark and his mother Tura, our Grande' Dame':
     our Royal Missions Queen,
          who teaches with compassion how to share.
And there is Jeanne, so organized
     that the devil runs and hides,
          cuz' he cannot find a loophole anywhere.
And our church body would have a large hole
     if Alan and Juanita were ever to go:
          for they are a godly couple beyond compare.
The wisdom of this man,
     so respected by other men,
          is a leader like Peter, a solid rock for us all.
And his loving wife Juanita,
     you'll never meet anyone sweeta',
          and she's the rock behind the man with a heavenly call.
And then there's Don and Ellen,
     the pride of Courtney Corner,
          who tackle more tasks than anyone.
Like our Lord, they live their lives
     like a living sacrifice,
          and they never quit until the job is done.
To know them is a blessing,
     and if you're wounded they're the dressing
          that God might send to help your healing.
He's the friend closer than a brother,
     and she is Proverbs thirty-one:
          and they've earned our respect and loving feelings.
There are many others -- like James, Tricia, Rodney, and more --
     that I can add to the list, my friend;
          but I think I've made my point quite clear.
Though I would be remiss
     to keep one couple off the list,
          a couple the church holds very dear.
Pastor Steve and his first lady, Pat,
     quick to pray or a friendly chat:
          he likes to joke and she likes to sing.
We hear about sports and cycling,
     ATV trips and what grand babies do;
          but their love for God is still the most important thing.
And so I told my friend
     that no church is like another,
          cuz' it's not the walls or the steeple.
It's the spiritual sisters and brothers --
          it truly is the people.
And I thank God for all of you, the Body of Christ, the Church.
Don't forget to check out the new publication: the Gospel Scene here.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lord Works in Mysterious Ways

The following poem was inspired by a recent event that took place in my life. I was with the worship team from my church, and we were performing for the Pi Um Sha celebration on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. The event was going well, but my body wasn't. I thought I had pneumonia, but it turned out much differently. And I thank God for urging one of the team members to pay attention to what was happening to me. And they convinced me not to wait for a scheduled appointment with the VA.

Late night call
Good deed on the 'morrow
Scheduled act
Saving grace
Take their place
Walk a mile in their shoes
Performance rules
Friendly decision
With physical division
Mind is willing
Body is weak
Up before dawn
Shadow blanket on tepees
Nine songs played
Message relayed
To early risers
From sheltered wombs
Two-dozen rebirths
On early morning meadow
Nine of which opt
For souls reborn
Lead them on my brother
Lead them on my sister
Equipment take-down
Something is amiss here
Time to celebrate
Where's the elation
Smile lost
Physical cost
Good deed tallies up a toll
Peer concern
I am not me
Joy is gone
Strength follows
Liquid in lungs
Drowning in the high desert
Out of water
Out of time
Another service to go to
No can do
The body battles
Civil War
Best wishes
But no offers
No assistance
Via con Dios
One step at a time
About to burst
Thirst... for life
Curse... the pain
A nickel's worth of days
Modern Americans
Plenty of best wishes
Vocal loyalty
No action without royalty
VA delay
No wish to pay
Yet when they call
Perhaps to give all
We cannot forgo
Our part in the show
When there's a need
To bleed
For the myth called Liberty
Yet in this circumstance
It's a whole new show
With a VA song and dance
And "Old Glory" loses its glow
But pain chose the road
Policy be damned
ER... here I am
Thread the needle
Suck the blood
Sadistic duties
Monitor the scope
More angel than devil
Is all I can hope
I am the voodoo doll
Repeatedly stabbed
NAs... RNs... Blood techs
See the mass
Fluid's a decoy
No virus
A consequence
Pulmonary Embolism
Silent death
Legs clear
Heart clear
Origin unknown
A nomadic clot
"Bend forward"
"Hold breath"
"You'll feel a little pinch"
Fluid extraction
Feel the steel
Internal probe
"Try not to tense up"
Yea, right!
"You're doing fine"
Compared to what?
Caught it in time
Prognosis good
Treatment begins
Stomach infusions
Twice daily
I will survive
If the cure doesn't kill me first