Monday, September 16, 2013

A Church Invite

Many people feel awkward about inviting others to their church. And a lot of times when they get the nerve, they fail to make the invitation mean anything: as if their church is no better or worse than any other. We should all remember that the church is not the building.

My Church
by Jerry Thomas
I met a friend the other day
          and he posed a simple question.
"Have you ever been to my church,
          the one up on the hill?"
I cannot say I have,
          would it be your suggestion?
But before I make the choice,
          what about it can you tell?
"What's to tell?" said my friend.
          "It's a church like any other.
No better or no worse,
          just a new place to try."
If there isn't something special,
          why should I even bother?
Why should I cross the threshold
          just to turn and say, "Good-bye?"
"Well," said he. "What would you say
          about the church you now attend?"
And his frown became a smirk,
          not like Scrooge, more like the Grinch.
I found his actions awkward,
          since friends should not contend.
But my church is also family,
          so I answered in a pinch.
There is Herman and Paul,
     Deacons on the ball,
          and they each perform their task like godly men.
And we have greeters like Brother Bob,
     who jokes about his sit-down job,
          while he welcomes each arrival like a friend.
And there is Judy and Deloris,
     with a long history here before us,
          so they will always be a treasured pair.
We have Glenn, Veldora, and Robbie,
     and Doris with her hobby:
          she has hugs enough for all and some to spare.
And there is Margaret and Regina, her daughter,
     who crave the Living Water:
          the Word of God that makes our life complete.
Margaret use to play for worship,
     now Nancy makes the piano her ship,
          and sails each joyful note into a treat.
We have the Coach and Julie,
     with her greeting card ministry:
          she reminds absent members that we care.
And there's Mark and his mother Tura, our Grande' Dame':
     our Royal Missions Queen,
          who teaches with compassion how to share.
And there is Jeanne, so organized
     that the devil runs and hides,
          cuz' he cannot find a loophole anywhere.
And our church body would have a large hole
     if Alan and Juanita were ever to go:
          for they are a godly couple beyond compare.
The wisdom of this man,
     so respected by other men,
          is a leader like Peter, a solid rock for us all.
And his loving wife Juanita,
     you'll never meet anyone sweeta',
          and she's the rock behind the man with a heavenly call.
And then there's Don and Ellen,
     the pride of Courtney Corner,
          who tackle more tasks than anyone.
Like our Lord, they live their lives
     like a living sacrifice,
          and they never quit until the job is done.
To know them is a blessing,
     and if you're wounded they're the dressing
          that God might send to help your healing.
He's the friend closer than a brother,
     and she is Proverbs thirty-one:
          and they've earned our respect and loving feelings.
There are many others -- like James, Tricia, Rodney, and more --
     that I can add to the list, my friend;
          but I think I've made my point quite clear.
Though I would be remiss
     to keep one couple off the list,
          a couple the church holds very dear.
Pastor Steve and his first lady, Pat,
     quick to pray or a friendly chat:
          he likes to joke and she likes to sing.
We hear about sports and cycling,
     ATV trips and what grand babies do;
          but their love for God is still the most important thing.
And so I told my friend
     that no church is like another,
          cuz' it's not the walls or the steeple.
It's the spiritual sisters and brothers --
          it truly is the people.
And I thank God for all of you, the Body of Christ, the Church.
Don't forget to check out the new publication: the Gospel Scene here.

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