Friday, December 11, 2009

Obama showing true colors: denying Christ

     This is not a normal post for this blog. It does not explain my reasons for belief, but rather defends my belief in terms of another recent attack on Christianity by a fake christian who only uses church attendance for political gains.

     You have probably heard by now that President Obama has declared that the holidays at the White House will be "non-religious." --- Can you believe it? A non-religious Christmas!

     I would say that cuts right through the political facade, proving the President's claims of Christianity are fraudulent. No real Christian would ever deem it appropriate to have a "non-religious" Christmas. True Christians do not base their faith on political correctness.

     If you remove Christ from Christmas, there is no Christmas. That's like having a wedding without the bride and groom. It cannot be done, because it becomes something else entirely.

     Christ is the foundation of Christmas, the entire purpose, and without Christ there is no reason for the season. Thus, I caution anyone who feels it is a minor matter to rethink the ramifications.

     What does removing Christ from Chrsitmas truly represent? It represents the denying of Christ. And whether you choose to do it for political correctness, or as a business marketing strategy doesn't matter. If you deny him, then he will deny you before God.

     For whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. --- Matthew 10:33

     Precisely why a real Christian cannot do such a foolish action with a clear conscience. After all, denying Christ is the only unforgivable sin.

     "But I thought blasphemy of the Holy Spirit was the only unforgivable sin?" ask the novices.

     The Holy Spirit is Christ's witness. True believers come to Christ through the unction of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, rejecting Christ is rejecting the Holy Spirit's witness: thus blaspheming the Holy Spirit. In other words, blaspheming the Holy Spirit and rejecting Christ are the same thing.

     True believers use this time to celebrate the birth of Christ. We do not reject Him. We proudly lift Him up and proclaim who He truly is: the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, and only begotten Son of God.

     Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. --- Matthew 10:32

     Remember the reason for the season. Have a happy holiday, and a Merry Christ-centered Christmas.

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