Sunday, December 27, 2009

Overzealous in New Zealand: Part 3

     In this post I will deal with a comment made by a church leader with regard to the controversial billboard, mentioned in the previous two related posts.

     I found the following quote at

     Church leader Archdeacon Glynn Cardy told the A.P. [Associated Press], "This billboard is trying to lampoon and ridicule the very literal idea that God is a male and somehow this male God impregnated Mary... We would question the Virgin Birth in any literal sense. We would question the maleness of God in any literal sense."

     Along with the vast number of comments regarding the "poor taste" and "grossness" of the billboard ad, there were an equal amount of questions and comments relating to the virgin birth and gender stereo-typing of God.

     Just a few decades ago such questions were unthinkable. However, when you consider the above statement by an archdeacon, a so-called church leader; and then factor in the knowledge that half of all seminary graduates do not believe in a supernatural God, it is easy to understand. Although, understanding the present attitudes and accepting them are two different issues.

     Personally, I do not think any individual should hold a leadership position in any church if they do not honestly believe in the God they are suppose to represent. Such leadership is a dishonest representation, a mockery, and they are conning their congregation for the sake of a paycheck.

     Cardy's claims reek of humanistic influence. It is a foolish attempt to take the supernatural out of God in order to make the smaller god they have leftover more understandable to the finite mind. The obvious problem with that (other than the fact that it is untrue) is any god small enough to be understood by us is too small to handle the enormous problems and complexities of the human species and the universe.

     How can any honest believer, who claims God created the heavens and the Earth, then profess that same God does not have the ability to handle a simple immaculate conception?

     Every human is flawed and prone to sin. You do not need to believe me, just turn on the news, or think about your own past mistakes.

     Yet there are humans with the audacity to believe they can out-think God. The purveyors of such humanistic philosophies remind me of Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors. They cannot tell the difference between finite and infinite.

     For instance, to claim a belief in God, then claim you have doubts about the God you profess to believe in, and then doubt that God can even communicate who they truly are. Yet isn't that exactly what Cardy did? --- An archdeacon who does not even believe the God he represents is capable of communicating the truth in his own word.

     Personally, the God I worship claims He is the Heavenly Father, and His only begotten Son confirms it. And I believe a perfect God is more than capable of making sure His original word is written the way He desired it to be.

     If God, through the unction of the Holy Spirit, places a male-oriented title upon Himself, who are we to deny His claim?

     This world would be in a far better state if we went back and severed every humanistic and/or politically correct alteration made to the original word of God.

     All the so-called "politically correct" translations of the Bible have accomplished nothing more than watering down the true word of God. And the watering down of God's word removes the necessary substance, with the inevitable consequence: a watered-down Bible creates a watered-down faith. And that watered-down faith is evident in the seminaries, in the pulpits, and throughout our society.

     Repeatedly throughout God's word we see the call to "Repent! And come back to God." --- That call is needed more now than ever.

     This nation collectively, and many of its citizens individually, have lost the true faith and spirit that made us strong. It is time to regain that which was lost, and to once more prosper with guidance and blessings of Almighty God.

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